In 2020 we will be reading consecutive “bite-size” reading plans hand-picked by our staff through the Bible App on your device or The Bible website on your computer. Below are the links for the reading plans that are coming up.

September 21-30 – Ten Days Through the Prayers of Jesus

September 14-20 – Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus

September 8-13 – Things Jesus Never Said

September 1-7 – Let Us Do What Jesus Did

August 22-31 – Encounters with Christ

August 18-21 – Galatians 4: Seize the Day

August 8-17 – Praying God’s Truth Over My Fears

August 1-7 – Good News: Encouragement for a World in Crisis

July 20-31 – Galatians: set free to live free

July 13-19 – Loving your Community

July 5-12 – Waiting on God

July 1-4 – What is BIBLICAL Justice?

June 1-30 – Passion Reading Plan with Josh White

May 25-31 – LOVE Week

May 20-24 – Renew: Romans 8

May 10-19 – God’s not Done with You

May 5-9 – How’s your Soul?

April 30-May 4 – Acts of Repentance

April 16-29 – Doing Things That Matter

April 13-15 – The Calm: live each day in the calm amid the storm

April 6-12 – Seven-Mile Miracle Easter Devotion

April 1-5 – God So Good

March 25-30 – Radical

March 18-24 – Divine Direction

March 11-17 – Daring Faith

March 1-10 – Faith > Fear

February 26-29 – Demonstrating God’s Presence in Business

February 19-25 – Called to Influence – Kingdom Leadership in the Workplace

February 13-18 – Aim

February 9-12 – Does My Work Matter?

February 6-8 – Redefining Success

February 1-5 – Next Steps to Fulfilling God’s Plan for Your Life

January 26-31 – Irresistible

January 5-25 – 21 Day Fast

January 1-4 – 4 Days of Inspiration